Therapy for Parents of Special Needs Children

Image of a mother and father holding hands with their child while at the beach. This image illustrates the love found for children with special needs in Sacramento, CA. Looking for support while being a special needs parent? Get help here. | 95762 |

When you’re parenting a child with special needs…

Every day can be a struggle, you never know what you are going to get. What you do know is that you are exhausted.

Everyone has a different opinion and the things that usually work for other kids don’t work for your little one. I get it.

The tantrums and the constant fights make you question yourself and whether or not you are capable of this. There are times your child just cries and there is nothing you can do.

The pain of not being able to help can be overwhelming. You love your child, but often, there is so much that needs to get done that you don’t get to just sit and enjoy your child for who they are.

On top of all this, you have to figure out how to navigate the school system and what kind of medical help is needed. There are even times when you question how you can make all of the appointments, take them to school, etc.

Image of a parent walking with their child wearing a backpack and pigtails. This image depicts the peace found while being a special needs parent. Get support for parenting your special needs children in Sacramento, CA. 94582 | 95661

A therapist for parents of special needs children can help

Working with me, there will be multiple steps to take. We will start by helping you to find your parenting voice again. We will get you back to a place where you can hear your gut that tells you what is right for your child.

Working together, you and I will pinpoint the biggest struggles you are having with parenting your child. We will discuss whether the issue is related to sleep or behavior and we will work together to figure out the best way to handle each situation with your child. On top of this, we will work together to help you feel more rested and like you can tackle each day with the energy that you miss. We will help you figure out how to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your child. I can personally recognize that your child isn’t going to be raised in a vacuum. If you aren’t well, your child won’t be well either.

Our working together will not change who your child is or their struggles. What I do hope is to help you get to a place where what is going on with them doesn’t rule your life. Of course, they are your child and they will always be a little piece of your heart running around in this world. But in order to be there for your child in the long term, you also need to be there for yourself. l want to help get you to a place where you feel like you can be your child’s parent for as long as you need to. And that you will be able to make the decisions and feel good about those decisions.

Image of two children playing in the sand together. This image illustrates how therapy for parent of children with special needs in Sacramento, CA can help you help your child build relationships. | 93004

Get Started with Therapy for Parents of Special Needs Children in Sacramento, CA

This journey to parenting a child with special needs is not easy, but you don’t have to do it alone. Getting support for this lonely experience can be stressful, but you and your child are worth it. Let’s get started finding your joy and energy again. Start with these steps:

  1. Fill out a contact form to get connected with me.

  2. Read more about me and my approach to therapy for parents of special needs children!

  3. Find direction and support in parenting your special needs child.

Other Counseling Services Offered

Here at my Sacramento, CA-based therapy practice, I know what it means to be a parent of a special needs child. I understand all of the hard feelings and hopelessness that come with loving a special needs person. I’m here to support you and guide you in that process. If you’re needing therapy for burnout or stress, or therapy for grief, I can support you in those feelings. If you’re feeling isolated in this experience, I offer support in that too. If you’re struggling with navigating relationships when you’re taking care of a special needs child all the time, I can help. Finally, I offer group therapy if you’re looking more specifically for a special needs parent support group or an ADHD parent support group. Whatever the hard feelings are, I’d be honored to guide you into feeling better about them.